L.L.Bean, the TD Beach to Beacon’s Longtime Race Awards Sponsor, to Provide a Gift Card to All Runners this Year
Dunkin’ Donuts also returns to sponsor American prize money category for the 19th running of the classic road race in Cape Elizabeth, MaineCAPE ELIZABETH, Maine (July 7, 2016) – New for 2016, outdoor retailer L.L.Bean will provide a $10 gift card to all TD Beach to Beacon runners during the bib and t-shirt pickup at the pre-race Expo, race officials announced Thursday.
L.L.Bean has since the inception of the race in 1998 sponsored the race awards, providing gift cards and special gifts to age-group and other category winners. This year for the first time, the company best known for its L.L.Bean Boots, everyday free shipping and 100 percent satisfaction guarantee will expand its gift-card generosity to the entire race field.
In addition, Dunkin’ Donuts , in partnership with their local franchise owners, announced that it would return as a race sponsor and again provide the prize money for the American-only runner category, which debuted in 2015. The lure of a $23,000 purse last year attracted many of the top American distance runners to the international road race. Dunkin’ Donuts also will provide $3 gift cards to all volunteers and registered runners this year.
L.L.Bean and Dunkin’ Donuts are part of a group of Corporate Partners responsible for the ongoing success of the TD Beach to Beacon 10K, which is set for Saturday, Aug. 6, along the picturesque shoreline of Cape Elizabeth, Maine.
Corporate Partners who have been with the TD Beach to Beacon over its entire 19-year history include title sponsor TD Bank as well as Nike , Hannaford , Poland Spring and MaineHealth. Other long-time Corporate Partners include IDEXX , WCSH6 , Northeast Delta Dental and Olympia Sports .
“We are so grateful to these companies and to all our sponsors who together really make the race what it is,” said Joan Benoit Samuelson, the Olympic Gold Medalist who founded the TD Beach to Beacon. “Like the world-class runners we attract each year, our sponsors include some of the most recognizable and trusted names in Maine, the region and around the world. The stature of our race would not be maintained without the continued support we receive from each one of them. We can’t thank them enough.”
Below is the complete list of 2016 sponsors who help make the TD Beach to Beacon possible:
Corporate Partners
TD Bank – Title Sponsor (since year one)
Nike – Official Race and Volunteer Apparel Sponsor (since year one)
Hannaford – Official Training Sponsor (since year one)
Poland Spring – Official Water Sponsor (since year one)
MaineHealth – Official Medical Partner (since year one)
L.L.Bean – Title Sponsor of Race Awards (since year one)
IDEXX – Official Business to Business Challenge Sponsor (returning sponsor)
Northeast Delta Dental – Title Sponsor of Maine Challenge Division & Course Record Bonuses (returning sponsor)
WCSH6 TV – Official Media Sponsor (returning sponsor)
Olympia Sports – Official Sporting Goods Retailer (returning sponsor)
Prize Money Sponsors
TD Bank – Top 10 Men and Women (since year one)
UNUM – Title Sponsor of the Wheelchair Division (since year one)
Dunkin Donuts – American Prize Money (returning sponsor)
Northeast Delta Dental – Maine Resident Men and Women & Course Record Bonuses (returning sponsor)
Thos. Moser – Keepsake Beacon Boxes as Awards for Category Winners (returning sponsor)
Race Supporting Sponsors
Courtyard Marriott Portland Downtown/Waterfront – Hospitality Sponsor (returning sponsor)
Fairchild – Supporting Sponsor of Sustainability Program (returning sponsor)
MEMIC (Maine Employer’s Mutual Insurance Company) – Safety Sponsor (returning sponsor)
Oakhurst Dairy – Kids Fun Run & Dairy Sponsor (since year one)
Spectrum Medical Group – Volunteer Sponsor (returning sponsor)
Bon-Ton Stores – Presenting Sponsor of High School Mile (returning sponsor)
Yankee Ford – Official Vehicle Sponsor (returning sponsor)
AAA Northern New England (returning sponsor)
Anthem BlueCross BlueShield (returning sponsor)
Barber Foods – AdvancePierre (returning sponsor)
Cliff Bar/Luna Bar (returning sponsor)
Holden Agency (new sponsor)
Leavitt and Parris (returning sponsor)
MacPage (new sponsor)
Norman Hanson & DeTroy (returning sponsor)
Ocean House Real Estate (new sponsor)
Pine State Beverage Company (returning sponsor)
Perkins Thompson (returning sponsor)
Pioneer Athletics (returning sponsor)
Pizza Joint (returning sponsor)
Protiviti (new sponsor)
ReVision Energy (new sponsor)
Seafax (since year one)
Shipyard Brewing Co. (since year one)
Terra Cotta Pasta (returning sponsor)
Vessel Services, Inc. (returning sponsor)
WEX (returning sponsor)
The TD Beach to Beacon 10K Road Race, a celebration of health, fitness and giving back, attracts a large contingent of world-class athletes in the U.S. and around the world as well as top runners in Maine and New England. In 2015, a record-setting 6,602 runners from 15 countries, 41 states and more than 265 Maine cities and towns finished the winding, rolling, often breathtaking 6.2-mile coastal course.
The 2016 race beneficiary is My Place Teen Center (MPTC), a free, year-round, after-school youth development program for kids in Greater Portland, which receives a $30,000 donation from the TD Charitable Foundation, the charitable giving arm of TD Bank, America’s Most Convenient Bank®. TD Bank has now donated $570,000 to Maine charities over the history of the race.
The TD Beach to Beacon is directed by Dave McGillivray of DMSE Sports , who also serves as race director of the B.A.A. Boston Marathon. For additional information about the race, visit b2bdevelopment.wpengine.com, and find the TD Beach to Beacon on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.L.L.Bean, Inc.
L.L.Bean, Inc. is a leading multichannel merchant of quality outdoor gear and apparel. Founded in 1912 by Leon Leonwood Bean, the company began as a one-room operation selling a single product, the Maine Hunting Shoe. Still family owned, Shawn Gorman, great grandson of Leon Leonwood Bean, was named Chairman of the Board of Directors in 2013. While its business has grown over the years, L.L.Bean continues to uphold the values of its founder, including his dedication to quality, customer service and a love of the outdoors. L.L.Bean products are rigorously tested, guaranteed to last and always shipped free. In the past five years, L.L.Bean has donated over $6 million toward conservation and land stewardship.
The 220,000 sq. ft. L.L.Bean retail store campus in Freeport, ME, is open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year and welcomes more than 3 million visitors every year. L.L.Bean can be found worldwide at www.llbean.com , Facebook , Twitter , YouTube , Pinterest , Google+ andInstagram .
About The TD Charitable Foundation
The TD Charitable Foundation is the charitable giving arm of TD Bank, America’s Most Convenient Bank ®, one of the 10 largest commercial banking organizations in the United States. Since its inception in 2002, the Foundation has distributed over $199 million and more than 19,400 grants through donations to local nonprofits from Maine to Florida. More information on the TD Charitable Foundation, including the online grant application, is available at TDBank.com.
About TD Bank, America’s Most Convenient Bank ®
TD Bank, America’s Most Convenient Bank, is a member of TD Bank Group and a subsidiary of the Toronto-Dominion Bank of Toronto, Canada, a top 10 financial services company in North America. The Toronto-Dominion Bank trades on the New York and Toronto stock exchanges under the ticker symbol “TD”. To learn more, visit www.td.com.TD Bank, America’s Most Convenient Bank, is one of the 10 largest banks in the U.S., providing more than 9 million customers with a full range of retail, small business and commercial banking products and services at more than 1,200 convenient locations throughout the Northeast, Mid-Atlantic, Metro D.C., the Carolinas and Florida. In management services through TD Wealth ®, and vehicle financing and dealer commercial services through TD Auto Finance. TD Bank is headquartered in Cherry Hill, N.J. To learn more, visit www.tdbank.com. Find TD Bank on Facebook at www.facebook.com/TDBank and on Twitter at www.twitter.com/TDBank_US.