Road Closings, Other Details Outlined for Aug. 6 TD Beach to Beacon 10K
Runner shuttle bus services provided from SMCC in South Portland, Hannaford corporate offices in Scarborough and Cape Elizabeth High School and Middle SchoolCAPE ELIZABETH, Maine ( July 25, 2016 ) – Race organizers outlined details regarding shuttle buses, road closings and registration for the upcoming TD Beach to Beacon 10K on Saturday, Aug. 6 in Cape Elizabeth.
Road Closings
On race day, the following roads will be closed to traffic (except for shuttle buses):
- Rte. 77, Sprague Hall to Kettle Cove Road closed 6 to 10 a.m.
- Crescent Beach State Park will not be accessible until 9 a.m.
- Rte. 77, Kettle Cove Road to Old Ocean House Road closed 7:30 to 10 a.m.
- Old Ocean House Road (all) closed 7:30 to 10 a.m.
- Rte. 77, at Hillway closed 7:30 to 10 a.m.
- Shore Road south of Fort Williams closed at 7:30 a.m.
- All of Fowler Road (except shuttle buses) closed 7:15 to 10 a.m.
- Scott Dyer Road eastbound closed 6:15 to 8 a.m.
Bike Parking at the Fort Williams
The Bicycle Coalition of Maine is providing free and secure bicycle parking for runners, spectators and volunteers at Fort Williams with shuttle bus service for runners (only) to the starting line. The complimentary bike service is located inside Fort Williams Park, look for signage. Runners can drop off their bikes starting at 6 a.m. and need to pick them up by 2 p.m. Bike parking helps cut down on road congestion and lightens the CO2 footprint of the race. Those interested in the service are asked to register at and for more information, email .
Shuttle Bus Services
‘Park and ride’ is an increasingly popular option for runners. Satellite parking and shuttle bus services to the Start Line will be provided from 6 to 7 a.m. from the following locations:
- Southern Maine Community College at 2 Fort Road in South Portland
- Hannaford corporate offices at 145 Pleasant Hill Road in Scarborough
- Cape Elizabeth Middle School and High School at 343 Ocean House Road
Shuttle buses will return to these locations from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. from Fort Williams after the race.
Also, there is no parking for runners at Fort Williams as parking there is restricted to media, sponsors, staff and spectators, who are advised to carpool and to arrive prior to 7:15 a.m. since Shore Road closes at 7:30 a.m. Entrance to the Fort from Cottage Road in South Portland, however, will remain open throughout the morning.
Race organizers are encouraging the ‘park and ride’ option and carpooling for everyone driving into the area on race day as a way to further reduce vehicle congestion and carbon emissions.
Expo and B-tag and T-shirt Pick up
B-tag and t-shirt pickup for confirmed runners will take place at Cape Elizabeth High School on Thursday, Aug. 4 and Friday Aug. 5 from 4 to 8 p.m. Runners will receive disposable B-tags, which are worn on their bib to record their time for the race. Registration features an Expo of 45 different companies, non-profits and race sponsors, including the Nike Reuse-a-Shoe program where runners are encouraged to bring and donate their old running shoes to be recycled. Many of the vendors will offer giveaways and food vendors will have free samples.
Runner Drop Off on Race Morning
Carpooling or the use of satellite lots for runner drop off is encouraged on race morning to avoid road congestion near the start. Runners are required to be at the start line by 7:30 a.m., however, it is recommended to arrive by 6:30 a.m. to avoid heavy traffic. Roadside parking is not allowed.
Parking at the Start
Runner parking near the Start Line will be provided at Sprague Fields located at Fowler and Ram Island Farm roads, where this year organizers say off-loading of runners at Fowler Road will have a dedicated debarkation area to ensure safer runner movement through the intersection.
What NOT to Bring
Race organizers and public safety officials have provided a list of what NOT to bring, to minimize delays. The following items are strictly prohibited for runners:
- Backpacks or similar items carried over the shoulder
- Suit cases or rolling bags
- Personal hydration systems
- Glass containers
- Costumes that cover the face or bulky outfits
- Strollers
- Props which represent firefighters, military or law enforcement
And for spectators, the following items are strictly prohibited:
- Weapons or items which replicate weapons
- Large rolling bags or coolers
- Fireworks or flammable liquids
Volunteers and staff should be also adhere to the above list.
Safety for Spectators along the Course
Race organizers are reminding spectators and volunteers along the course to stay completely off the course roads as of 7:45 a.m. – also no walkers in the road at that point as well. Spectators will first see police motorcycles, then wheelchair athletes and then a large press truck ahead of the lead women runners – the race is introducing a new Elite Women’s Start this year – followed by another press truck ahead of the men and the rest of the field. Children, pets and other spectators need to be totally out of the roadway. Also, between mile 4 and 5, the press trucks will depart to the finish to arrive before the first athletes cross, so spectators need to be especially clear of the road after Mile 4. Motorcycles also follow the elite athletes and need to have the entire road as well.
Other important info:
New! High School Mile at Fort Williams – The new TD Beach to Beacon High School Mile will be at 4 p.m. on Friday, Aug. 5 before the Kid’s Fun Run at Fort Williams. It is a two-loop course that will begin in the vicinity of the Portland Head Light and finish across the official TD Beach to Beacon finish line. Open to spectators, the order of High School Mile heats will be:
4:00 p.m. Girls Mile
4:15 p.m. Boys Mile
Medals will be awarded to the top three boys and girls overall. The TD Beach to Beacon High School Mile is presented by Bon-Ton and uniforms for all participating athletes will be provided by Nike. Each race will be scored and timed using the FinishLynx timing system.
Kids Fun Run – The Kids Fun Run will take place at 6 p.m. on Friday, Aug. 5 at the Soccer Field at Fort Williams. The races will be run in heats at different distances, according to age. If it rains, check the website at for updates as a decision will be made by 4 p.m. on Friday. Registration and packet pick up for the kid’s race will take place on Friday, Aug. 5 from 4 to 6 p.m. at Fort Williams.
Awards Ceremony – The formal awards ceremony on race day will begin at 9:45 a.m. at Fort Williams at the top of flagpole hill, featuring check presentations, gifts to age-group winners, and a total purse of more than $90,000.
Race Beneficiary – The 2016 race beneficiary is My Place Teen Center (MPTC), a free, year-round, after-school youth development program for kids in Greater Portland, which receives a $30,000 donation from the TD Charitable Foundation, the charitable giving arm of TD Bank, America’s Most Convenient Bank®. TD Bank has now donated $570,000 to Maine charities over the history of the race.
Sponsors – In addition to title sponsor TD Bank who helped create the race in 1998, other corporate partners include Nike, Hannaford, Poland Spring, MaineHealth, L.L.Bean, IDEXX, Northeast Delta Dental, WCSH6 TV and Olympia Sports.
General Info – This is the 19th year for the TD Beach to Beacon 10K Road Race, a celebration of health, fitness and giving back that was founded by Olympic Gold Medalist and Maine native Joan Benoit Samuelson. The event attracts a large contingent of world-class athletes in the U.S. and around the world as well as top runners in Maine and New England. In 2015, a record-setting 6,602 runners from 15 countries, 41 states and more than 265 Maine cities and towns finished the winding, rolling, often breathtaking 6.2-mile coastal course. The race debuted in 1998 with 2,408 runners crossing the finish line.
The TD Beach to Beacon is directed by Dave McGillivray of DMSE Sports , who also serves as race director of the B.A.A. Boston Marathon.For additional information about the race, visit, and find the TD Beach to Beacon on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
About The TD Charitable Foundation
The TD Charitable Foundation is the charitable giving arm of TD Bank, America’s Most Convenient Bank ®, one of the 10 largest commercial banking organizations in the United States. Since its inception in 2002, the Foundation has distributed over $199 million and more than 19,400 grants through donations to local nonprofits from Maine to Florida. More information on the TD Charitable Foundation, including the online grant application, is available at
About TD Bank, America’s Most Convenient Bank ®
TD Bank, America’s Most Convenient Bank, is a member of TD Bank Group and a subsidiary of the Toronto-Dominion Bank of Toronto, Canada, a top 10 financial services company in North America. The Toronto-Dominion Bank trades on the New York and Toronto stock exchanges under the ticker symbol “TD”. To learn more, visit Bank, America’s Most Convenient Bank, is one of the 10 largest banks in the U.S., providing more than 9 million customers with a full range of retail, small business and commercial banking products and services at more than 1,200 convenient locations throughout the Northeast, Mid-Atlantic, Metro D.C., the Carolinas and Florida. In management services through TD Wealth ®, and vehicle financing and dealer commercial services through TD Auto Finance. TD Bank is headquartered in Cherry Hill, N.J. To learn more, visit Find TD Bank on Facebook at and on Twitter at